open out

open outopen out1.伸展开来; 变宽This passage opens out somewhere outside the forest.这条小路在这片森林外的地方展宽。The river turns around the corner and suddenly opens out into a lake.河流转了个弯, 忽然扩展成一个湖泊。2.发展Business has been opening out recently.业务最近开展得很好。3.畅谈It is nice to see Mary opening out at a party for change.看到玛丽在聚会上谈笑自如, 我真高兴。4.展现As we climbed to the top of the hill, a magnificent view opened out before us.我们登到山顶时, 一片壮丽的景色展现在我们眼前。Open out the newspaper so that we can all see the photograph.把报纸打开, 这样我们才都能看到那张照片。5.开花The flower opened out when the sun came out.太阳一出来那花就盛开了。

open out1.打开,展开:The flowers opened out when spring was coming.春天来了,花儿开了。2.变宽,变开阔:The road opens out after over the mountain.翻过山之后,道路变得宽一些了。3.开发;发展,改善:The mine is waiting for opening out.这个矿山有待开发。4.展现;显示:As I climbed higher a wonderful view opened out before me.当我再爬高一些时,一派美好的风光就展现在我的眼前。5.变得不再紧张;无拘束地谈话:When he talked with me, he opened out a good deal.他一和我聊天就变得十分健谈。6.【物理学】加速

见:open: open out